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How We Do It

Our leader, Jim Svagerko believes that growing needs to be supported by coaching of the mind, heart, body and spirit. Being in touch with one’s spirit intention, associated with emotions, is what allows a person to gain new and valuable distinctions about how to become a leader.



Jim is able to guide a leader through self-evaluation, examining their current behaviors and coming to understand what they must change, by continued exploration of the elements of mind, heart, body and spirit. Through one-on-one coaching he can lead the discussion with individuals so they can gain insights into how to integrate new knowledge into their daily routines and successfully evolve.

He uses many techniques to meet the needs of the person he coaches. Depending on the specific circumstances, he provides different types of coaching from one-on-one, to group and even direct mentoring. He guides each person to a full awareness of self, prior to helping the individual to the growth they need.

Would you like to know more?

Read more about Executive Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching, Group Coaching, Organization development or, Get Started.


We help leaders see things differently.

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